Lilly Owens is a writer, social media manager and public relations professional based in Nashville, TN.

Hey, it’s me!

As a woman in a creative field, using this platform to show my heart and passion for writing and connecting with people will allow my dreams to grow and flourish. I hope you’ll join me and check in for a little bit of Lilly.

Contact Lil for more info.

Interests and Professional Experience

  • I grew to love the field of public relations through various internships and work experiences. Helping someone showcase their business or product to the world is thrilling and inspiring.

  • I’ll be honest: I am a chronically online woman and have been since I was young. I grew up with the internet at my disposal, fascinated with the way social platforms have evolved over time and I love creating content for myself and others.

  • At my core, I am a people person. I love getting to know people and hearing what they’re passionate about. As a passionate person myself, I love and crave the human connection. Through music, art, shopping, social media or coffee consumption, I will gladly spark up a conversation with you.

  • A website says a lot about a person or a company. (Please make you best assumptions about me based off of my website.) There are so many ways you can sell a product or a story through a visually pleasing, organized website.



Check out my resume for more on my work experience!