Amazing Madelyn Grace: Mummified. (Slightly.)

Hello and happy Friday! Here’s an update:

Madelyn had a calmer day today that we’re very thankful for! Her surgery went well this morning and she is back to square one with her facial healing process. She has to have a ski mask type of bandage on her face to keep her bandages in place, hence the title about her in her new role as a mummy.

So, as for why she needed to get her face surgery redone, someone who was not on the burn team had gone in and redressed her burn incorrectly. We are not sure who did it, but the way it was dressed affected her forehead and nose and it’s healing process resulting in going back in and getting it fixed so that it would scar less.

PT and OT made an appearance and worked with Mad on the standing and the sitting and all that jazz. Her occupational theripist gave her a sponge for her to squeeze to stretch out the grafted skin for dexterity.

She rested most of the day as her anesthesia from surgery wore off. Unfortunately for Mad, dad can no longer stay in her room with her and she must be brave and calm on her own. Fortunately for dad, he gets to sleep in a bed instead of his recliner. We hope that she will be able remain calm and have a good night so that tomorrow we can see what the doctors and nurses say about her lungs and her trach.

She was on the ventilator during her surgery and a little bit after she got back. They then switched her back to spontaneous around 10 a.m. and kept lowering her oxygen throughout the day. When we left she was sitting at 40%.

While Madelyn is still unable to REALLY speak, today she would talk to us and at some points it was almost like she was whispering. Her nurse said that’s good that she’s able to do that and when people have ventilators for as long as she’s had one they have to retrain their vocal cords, so she’s a small step ahead of everyone!

Well, that’s that about that! She had a good day and we hope that her good days continue!

Psalm 34:10 - Even the strong and the wealthy grow weak and hungry, but those who passionately pursue the Lord will never lack any good thing.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Minced and mashed.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Cast your anxieties.