Amazing Madelyn Grace: Cast your anxieties.

Quick update this evening!

They had to put Mad back on the vent around 2 a.m. when she got a big burst of anxiety. Her anxiety continued throughout the day and is probably some of the worst anxiety she’s had.

They had the vent breathing for her but she was breathing over it, so they put her on spontaneous and that’s how she’s been from about 2 p.m. into the evening.

They will have to redo her face cell grafting thingy tomorrow morning. We had a situation that I’ll explain in more detail tomorrow, but she is having to get more surgery for her forehead and nose in the morning around 7:30 a.m.

OT came in and worked with her on her hands. PT didn’t come in today because of the anxiety she was having that was making it hard to breath.

She had a chest x-ray today and it showed nothing to be wrong with her lungs, so they will be assessing her and making a plan about removing her trach as soon as they’re able to. In my personal opinion, I believe that at this point, it’s mostly a mental thing with Mad and her lungs; her being on the vent really messes with her head and her anxiousness, and as long as her lungs look okay I hope and I pray that removing the trach will be the best option and she will be able to breath easily on her own. All of this is obviously still up in the air, but hopefully everything will work out.

They allowed a visitor to stay with her so dad is staying with her tonight to maybe help calm her nerves. She definitely gets more anxious when we aren’t there, so hopefully someone being there with her will let her have a more restful night. As for dad? Might not be so restful, but at least he has that recliner now!

Sorry for the late post this evening! I had to go be a journalist at a Belmont event. It’s so hard working as Madelyn’s PR and a student journalist.

I’ll try and get something up tomorrow explaining Mad’s face situation and her surgery. For now, I bid you good night! Unless you’re already asleep when I post this, then good morning!

Proverbs 4:18 - But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Mummified. (Slightly.)


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Tracheostomy? More like trache-AWESOME-my.