Amazing Madelyn Grace: One more surgery.

Hello! So sorry I didn’t post an update yesterday. I unfortunately had to pay attention in my night class. My laptop has also been dead for a couple of days and I haven’t obtained my charger from the Belmont Vision office. That’s enough excuses for today. Here’s what’s happening:

Mad has had an exciting and progressive couple of days! She hasn’t needed any oxygen during the day, but they gave her some last night just to be on the safe side.

She also got her feeding tube taken out this afternoon! They haven’t been puréeing her food anymore which makes her more likely to eat. She ate a good bit of her dinner last night, some bites of breakfast this morning and had a lovely chicken tender lunch. Scrumptious!

Her hands are looking good and healing well. They’ve given her some compression gloves that will help with healing the seams of her grafts and she’s working her hands with her squishy sponge. OT comes in and massages and works her hands for her. Her shoulder is also taking the cell spray well and is practically healed.

As for her face burns, the cell spray isn’t taking the way they thought it might. The cell spray works by taking her skin cells and spraying them on her face and shoulder in hopes that the cells would naturally heal the burns without having to fully graft her. But her face burns are deeper than they initially thought so she has grafting surgery scheduled for tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. and they’ll take skin from her shoulder to do it. While we hoped that she wouldn’t have to have another surgery, we feel confident that this will be her final graft.

She’s been doing very well with PT and OT and took a good walk around the burn ICU yesterday with a walker. She’s able to get out of her bed and chair well with assistance and can brush her own teeth.

Voice is still a whisper and there are some moments when she’s confused, but for the most part she communicates as good as she can and is doing well being awake and alert!

That’s it’s for now! If anything else exciting happens I’ll be sure to update. For now, we hope for a restful night before surgery tomorrow! Prayers that everything looks good and we can finally stop the surgeries. Thanks everyone!

(Also, shout-out to any trauma ICU nurses who are still checking in! We sure do miss you here on the second floor; come visit sometime!)

2 Corinthians 5:7 - For we walk by faith, not by sight.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Fresh faced.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Laughter is the best medicine.