Amazing Madelyn Grace: Fresh faced.

Happy Thursday! And happy snow day to all those who celebrated in Hickman County! Here’s the scoop:

Mad went in for her surgery today around 7:30 a.m. and got out a little after 11 a.m. They said everything looks good and went well! They took skin from the back of her right shoulder; that has been a very painful experience for her and her face is feeling very sore as well.

Everyone has been instructed to NOT touch her bandages and the burn team will be changing her dressings tomorrow and checking her face out.

She was very tired after surgery and slept through lunch, but PT and OT came in around 2 p.m. She played tic-tac-toe, walked in a circle and even helped make her bed! Gotta work those hands!

She got a chance to eat after PT and OT and she ate her chicken tenders and mac and cheese really well! She also ate a good bit of her dinner of ham and dressing, and has been sipping on Ensure periodically throughout the day. Personally, I think deep down she misses her sausage-and-gravy slop.

Today was a particularly emotional day for her. Yesterday, mom explain what happened to the house. It all is becoming very real, yet she still doesn’t remember exactly what happened to her. It’s all just been a whirlwind of confusion and focusing on getting better on her end, but now it’s time to start facing the music. While we all have our own perception and feelings to everything that’s happening, Madelyn is the one who is suffering the physical repercussions of what happened.

Today, I got to go by the house, and while in the front yard I stumbled upon an old item of mine. Laying right by my feet was a notecard from my senior year 4-H speech. The entire speech spoke on the idea of while beginnings are very scary and endings are normally sad, it’s what’s in the middle that counted the most. I believe that God has a sense of humor and a weird way of showing us that He’s around. That to me was a sign of His presence, and a message that made me cry as I looked at the house just in awe of the fact that my sister is even alive.

I know I’ve had my fair share of tears over the last month, and we as a family will continue to mourn everything we lost, but if there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that as long as we have Madelyn, we’re going to be okay. Losing the house was a very sad ending and the beginning of what’s to come will be nerve-racking and scary, but the middle is what I will always hold on to. And that middle is filled with memories with Madelyn. I am just very grateful.

Thank you for checking in and for doing what you do.

Psalm 42:8 - The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime; And His song will be with me in the night, A prayer to the God of my life.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Gettin’ things done.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: One more surgery.