Amazing Madelyn Grace: They tried to make her go to rehab and she said… YES!

Hello and happy Tuesday (even if it’s almost over. Good morning to those checking in on Wednesday.) Here’s what’s happening in Mad’s world:

Madelyn had her first day of rehab today! Whoop whoop! This is a day that we all have been anxiously awaiting, and this marks a pivotal step forward in her recovery. The light and the end of the hospital tunnel gets brighter every day!

At rehab, she will have a minimum of three hours of therapy spread out throughout the day. Today was a big day of all things therapy; speech, occupational and physical. She’s getting stronger and stronger with every step, squeeze and shout.

With this transition to rehab, Mad has a lot of questions and anxiety about when she will be able to finally go home. We still don’t have an exact date yet for her departure, and it all depends on how well she does over the next few days. We know all she wants is to be back home, and that’s all we want as well. Being back in Centerville and out of the hospital will help her mental health astronomically and we can’t wait to see that day!

Her eating today was okay but not great; she was just very anxious about all of the things which made her lose her appetite. The sweetest woman in the cafeteria made her a chicken quesadilla when she didn’t want to eat the salisbury steak.

Today marked day 40 in the hospital. It feels like we’ve been here for years yet it also feels like we just got here. We’ve seen darker days, that’s for sure. And I’m glad that there are glorious days ahead, even in midst of all that’s still happening aside from Madelyn. We see hope in every step, every breath and every anxious feeling.

I’ll update y’all as Mad continues in rehab! Thanks so much! We love you and we mean it!

Colossians 1:27 - To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: On a roll.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Good stuff.