Amazing Madelyn Grace: Coughing Queen.

Today we got a delivery of some heartwarming posters and letters for Madelyn from the campers at Camp Snowball. One of Madelyn’s favorite places in the world is at Camp Meribah, so seeing these photos of her make us smile and we know it will mean a lot to her when she gets to see them and read your cards. Thank you!

Overall, Madelyn had another day of slow and steady progress. Her bronchial cleansing showed that she has little to no soot left in her lungs. She has a lot of secretions that she’s been coughing up, which makes me a nervous wreck, but the doctors and nurses have assured us that the coughing is good and she’s able to get stuff up on her own. Get it up, Mad!

They took a sample of her secretion to culture and see if any bacteria lives in her lungs so that they can administer the best antibiotic. She does not have pneumonia yet, but they are just trying to be proactive. She also hit her goal with the feeding tube today and has been taking it well!

Folks came in today to change the dressing on her burns, and the burn doctor told us that Mad will most likely go in for another surgery sometime early next week. She will need skin grafts on her hands but so far that is the only area that needs them. We’ve been told that burns can change as they heal, so they are keeping an eye on the third degree burns on her head and her thigh. Her face seems to be healing nicely, and her day nurse Chase said that her skin is going to look better than all of ours.

After her cleanse, she started to get a bit restless, so they put her back on a small dose of her sedation. They’ve also been administering scheduled pain medication, blood pressure medicine as needed and she’s been getting breathing treatments to help her lungs with the healing process.

We just got a call from “Winter” saying that Mad sounds a lot clearer thanks to the bronch, but she is running a fever of 102. She said that they should get the culture results back sometime tomorrow to see if something in her lungs is the cause of the fever. “Winter” is getting her fever under control, and said not to worry. Prayers for a comfortable night!

She looks much better every day and the team in the TICU always make sure she is taken care off. They truly have made us all feel very secure and calm about where Madelyn is headed, and we know they’re cheering her on!

(Also, if you haven’t seen it yet, you can get emails for when there is an update on Mad! I feel so tech savvy figuring out how to do this, but please pardon any and all errors. If you signed up and did not get an email, look in your spam folder. Check out the email section at the top of the page.)

Good days are ahead for Madelyn! Thanks for everything! Madelyn Grace will prevail!

Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Uphill climb.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Slowly but surely.