Amazing Madelyn Grace: What a difference a day makes.

Today was a very good day for Madelyn and we are oh so thankful for her strength and small steps every day!

They weaned her off of her oxygen this afternoon and she was doing very well with the beginning stages of breathing on her own! Hooray for that! The respiratory therapist said that she was looking good all day long and y’all know the coughing never stops so she’s getting all of the stuff out.

She also wiggled her feet and tried to open her eyes while we were in the room with her today. I’ve never been so excited to see someone just wiggle their feet at me in my entire life. She was also lifting her head, arms and legs and opened her eyes for a few good seconds while the nurses were in there. We think her secretion sample culture should be back tomorrow to see if there is anything happening in her lungs. Her fever went down to 99 around 12 this afternoon and stayed 99 around 4 p.m.

Her tried-and-true nurses Baylee and “Winter” just called us and said that Madelyn was following commands and opening her eyes and, drumroll please… sticking her tongue out! What a win! She would start showing out as soon as we had to leave the hospital, but we are just glad she’s doing it.

The occupational therapist came in today and worked with her a little bit. They’re going to redress her hands tomorrow to allow her thumbs to be arranged differently in the braces they made for her, They also switched out her mattress for something a bit more soft, and she definitely looked a lot comfier.

Todays progress made us very happy. It’s the small movements of her head and her blinking her eyes that show us she is working so hard to get better, and her team of doctors, nurses and therapists are phenomenal in helping her do that!

We also want to thank everyone that came together to help clear out some of our belongings from the house today. It’s been so crazy but so joyous to see what has survived even as we cope with the loss of the house and things that did not survive. It really makes a difference, especially when we have an amazing community of people in Centerville who have stepped up willingly and graciously. Thank you so much to everyone for everything! It does not go unnoticed.

We are hopeful and praying for another day of progress and healing for Mad!

Psalm 28:7 - The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Ladies and gentlemen… her.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Uphill climb.