Amazing Madelyn Grace: Ladies and gentlemen… her.


They have Mad off of her sedation and she was interacting with the nurses last night and this morning.

We got to go in and talk with her and she is as Madelyn as ever. Her eyes were opened and she gave us some smiles and the occasional eye roll. She can roll her eyes at us all day long.

She’s following commands well and is communicating with us via yes-and-no head shake. My favorite part is when she wiggles her feet. I told her to move her feet if she loves me and she just gave me a stare but then gave a slight wiggle. The sister relationship never changes.

She overall is looking good this morning. Her secretions are coming up pretty clean and there’s no high fever to our knowledge. We are waiting for her new day nurse and today’s trauma doctor to come in and see her. Her newest day nurse is a burn nurse so we know she will be taken good care of. Good ol’ “Winter” has been celebrating along side us, as well as her previous day nurses.

She has been checking out all of the posters on her wall and we’ll get to read her some of the cards people have sent her soon.

It’s amazing the progress Madelyn has made from a week ago. Her spirit never dwindled and we are the most grateful that she’s alert and able to communicate with us.

We’ll check back in once she’s assessed and if any other news comes up. For now, we celebrate this BIG win!

(Also: shoutout to any and all TICU nurses reading these updates and please pardon any incorrect medical terminology.)

Psalm 126:3 - The Lord has done great things for us. We are glad.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: She’s showing off.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: What a difference a day makes.