Amazing Madelyn Grace: A small setback.

Today we had a small bump in the road, but it’s nothing that Mad can’t come back from.

She’s had a lot of anxiety since they took her off of her sedation and after her big day yesterday. Her short term memory is not back yet, so she doesn’t have any recollection of what happened to her. The nurses said that has to do with the sedation and she may remember later, but there also is a chance she won’t know. It’s just a waiting game. They’ll wake her up every four hours to make sure she can still follow commands.

She had a little bit of a restless night, but once mom and dad went back to her room she started to rest a little bit.

She had an issue with her tracheotomy this morning, so they have her intubated and sedated again while they figure it out. They took an x-ray of her to see exactly what the problem was, but they seem to think the tube to her trach got pushed down too far and was restricting her air flow. Once they get that figured out they will fix it and take the tube out.

All the poor girl wants is a drink of water; she’s been mouthing “water” to us but we can’t give her any since the trach doesn’t allow her to swallow. It’s about the most pitiful thing you ever did see, but the first thing we will give her when she’s able is a big ol’ gulp of water.

Not much more to report on until they fix her trach. Her lungs are still slowly getting better and they have her scheduled on Tuesday for the skin grafts on her hands. She still has no sign of pneumonia but we are still prepared for an infection just in case.

Prayers for some answers and for a restful afternoon for Mad. She’s got this!

1 Corinthians 16:13- Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Day by day.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: She’s showing off.