Amazing Madelyn Grace: She’s showing off.

Wow! Big day over here, but a very successful day!

Mad had a great time smiling and trying to communicate with her nurses and her visitors and it made us happy to see her smile. We told her all about your prayers and sweet messages and we know that she appreciates them all.

The biggest win of the day was Mad sitting up on the side of the bed with help from her nurses! They told us that she sat up a lot longer than most people do after being in the bed for a week, so she has lots of strength. Let’s celebrate that!

Definitely a big and exciting day, but she sure was worn out from all of her hard work. She always keeps a look out for our chairs outside of her room; she hates to miss out on a hang. we. just called the nurses station in the ICU for a check-in, and they said she got very anxious after we left, so they put her back on some sedation in hopes of a restful evening. It was very hard to leave after visiting hours were over, but we are hopeful for more progress and energy tomorrow.

Lungs still sound good, and the burn on her face is healing well. Vitals all are remaining stable and she is hanging in there as she heals.

We have been grateful every day for Madelyn’s power and capability, but today was something so special. Lots of happy tears were shed for how strong Mad is and it gives us a lot of anticipation for the days to come. We still have a long road, but the light is beginning to. appear at the end of the tunnel.

Big smiles on our faces today, Madelyn included. We hope y’all are smiling too.

Psalm 94:19 - When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: A small setback.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Ladies and gentlemen… her.