Amazing Madelyn Grace: Off to surgery.

Happy Tuesday!

After almost two weeks since the fire, today is the day for Madelyn’s skin graft surgery! I thought this big news deserved a throwback cover photo. I’ve stopped myself from using any crazy throwback pictures until this moment because I know she will kill me when she sees it, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take for today’s event.

They just took her back a few minutes ago to prep her for surgery. With everything they plan on doing from the grafts, bronchial cleanse and tracheotomy, we anticipate a little over an hour until she’s finished.

We’ve known from the beginning about her hands, but the OR nurse mentioned something about grafts on her feet. To be honest, we don’t quite know what all will get grafted; it depends on what her burns look like and what the doctor thinks she needs. We don’t. anticipate any on her face or the spot on her thigh that’s fully healed.

She’s been resting most of the morning. After yesterday’s big day they upped her sedation for the night so she could rest and it was starting to wear off this morning.

That’s pretty much it for now; short and sweet! Keep Mad in your thoughts and prayers as well as the team of doctors, nurses and everyone in between helping to take care of her during her surgery. Big steps today!

Psalm 121:1-2 - I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Change of plans.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: She’s already annoyed with us.