Amazing Madelyn Grace: Tracheotomy vs. tracheostomy.

Good evening, dear readers. Here’s what took place today:

Mad got a new and sturdier trach put in today. We also learned that the procedure itself is called a tracheotomy and the actual tube is a tracheostomy. I hope the nurses that are reading are so proud of our newfound knowledge. Hopefully this new trach will be pivotal in the healing of her lungs and just make her more comfortable overall.

With that being said, today was a day like any other with a lot of nerves, anxiety and frustration. It’s getting a bit easier to read her lips without the tube in her mouth, but it’s still not ideal. Madelyn’s sweet nurse Ashley was wonderful in helping to console and comfort Mad and even let us sneak in a few hugs.

We’re making the most out of our moments with her by chatting with her and telling her all about everyone’s prayers and sweet messages. She still has a lot of questions that just have to be left unanswered until she can fully process them.

Physical, occupational and respiratory therapy all came in today to check her out and everything seems to be going to plan. Everyday she slowly gets stronger!

Not a huge report today, but another day of progress and healing! Thanks for everything!

Psalm 23:4 - Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Cha cha real smooth.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: More changes of more plans.