Amazing Madelyn Grace: Cha cha real smooth.

Happy Friday! Here’s today’s happenings:

Mad had a pretty good day! It came with it’s daily dose of frustration and annoyances, but overall she had a restful yet productive day!

She was able to get up and move around a little with the help of the occupational and physical therapists. Her movement in her hands and feet are good and improve everyday. Her right hand is a little more sensitive when she moves it and she will kind of wince with slight discomfort, but it will improve!

She got up and sat on the side of the bed and even stood and did a side step. Her PT guy put on some country music and told her that it was time for her dancing lesson and she just smiled and rolled her eyes. Next time, I’ll request that they put on the “Cha Cha Slide.” She would hate that, but I would get a few chuckles out of it.

Yesterday she asked what day it was and seemed so shocked to know that it was January 5. She mouthed the word “Christmas?” and we told her that do-over Christmas would be happening as soon as she’s better and able to come home. Hark! While each day kind of feels like the same to her, she is slowly starting to get some of her awareness back.

We got a few smiles, some tears, a few aggressive hand gestures when we couldn’t understand what she was saying (no, not THAT hand gesture) and of course the never-ending eye roll.

Every emotion from the eye rolls to the smiles show us that Madelyn is there and ready to be better. I sound like a broken record every time I say this, but every day is another day of slow and steady progress. Even when we’re in a lull and it feels like nothing is happening, her lungs and her burns are healing. She’s improved exceedingly since a week ago today and we will look back in a week saying the same thing.

It’s been told that slow and steady wins the race, so we will just have to be here to cheer her on as she finishes it.

Also, shoutout to a fan-favorite character in Mad’s story: “Winter” took two hours of her time to carefully brush out Madelyn’s hair and gave her some braids fit for a farm girl. She looked so much more comfortable and fresh when we saw her this morning. It really makes a difference! Thanks Hunter!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: I want to hold your hand.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Tracheotomy vs. tracheostomy.