Amazing Madelyn Grace: Madelyn’s shimmy TikTok Challenge.

Happy Saturday people! Here’s what you missed on AMAZING MADELYN GRACE! (Please read that sentence in the tone of the opening sequence from “Glee.”)

They put Mad on spontaneous breathing pretty early in the day on 40% oxygen. We’re hopeful that she will be able to hit the 24 hour mark and we can start working our way towards capping her trach! The trauma doctor sounded determined about getting her off of the ventilator in the next few days, and we just hope so deeply that Madelyn will do well and continue these big, exciting steps.

She had her fair share of anxiousness and slight confusion, but she also had moments of a lot more clarity and asked questions. We have decided that her new signature move is this shoulder shimmy that she does when people get to go in and talk to her. Someone make a TikTok challenge with the Madelyn shimmy; it’s bound to go viral.

She still keeps asking for her phone and we’ve now decided it’s best that we tell her it’s in the waiting room on the charger.

Her hands got redressed again today and the burn team said they are looking really good. They plan on redressing her fingers tomorrow. Her cell-spray-grafting-extravaganza on her face and shoulder will be changed sometime in the next week.

They took her off of her fentanyl drip, cut her Precedex drip in half and started giving her Tylenol for her pain so they are starting to get her off of the fancy drugs. That has really helped her to be more awake and less delirious.

Today we read her some of the many heartfelt letters sent to the hospital for her and they made her smile. I believe that she knows just how many people are praying and thinking of her and that is pushing her to get better.

Since she moved ICU rooms, she now has a new address! If you would like to send a card to Mad, here’s a refresh on her hospital address and my Nashville home address:

Madelyn Owens
TICU Room 107
TriStar Skyline
3441 Dickerson Pike
Nashville, TN 37207

Or -

Madelyn Owens c/o Lilly Owens
553 Rosedale Ave
Apt 118
Nashville, TN 37211

Other than that, today she got to rest well and is taking more steps in the right direction! Along with our nightly Bible verse, I’ll leave you with a quote that I’ve had stored in my brain for years thanks to my 4-H speech writing days in hopes for Mad’s lungs to get good, better, best.

Good. Better. Best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.

Thanks everyone!

John 16:33 - I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: I’m running out of title ideas because it’s been 24 days at this hospital.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: It’s a good day to have a good day.