Amazing Madelyn Grace: It’s a good day to have a good day.

Happy Friday! Here are the happenings of the day:

Another anxious morning to start us off. They had her off of spontaneous breathing all of last night and this morning, but by this afternoon they had turned it back on with 40% oxygen. I’ve decided it would be best to make a sign to put on her door that says “please do not tell her that she is doing well on spontaneous breathing because then she will panic and she will not be doing well anymore and it will be your fault.”

PT and OT came in today and got her sitting up on the side of the bed for a good while and she stood a few times. No cha cha slide today, but she will cha cha again soon.

The burn team came in and redressed her hands and said they look really good. Mom and dad said they got a glimpse of them and said they look good and really red, but that just means the blood is flowin’. Hurrah!

She had good moments of clarity today when she “spoke'‘ and rested well.

They mentioned caping her trach in the next few days and seeing how she does with breathing on her own as long as she continues doing well on the spontaneous breathing. Keep praying for her anxiousness to subside so that she can get that thing GONE! She’s got this; we know she does!

I think we would say today was a better day, and we hope that with a restful evening she will have an even better day tomorrow.

Thanks for everything! We love you!

Proverbs 16:24 - Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Madelyn’s shimmy TikTok Challenge.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Some days are easier, some days are harder.