Amazing Madelyn Grace: Sitting, standing, stacking and slaying.

Hello. It’s Tuesday. I’m tired. Let’s chat!

Madelyn’s morning was “meh” according to mom, but her afternoon was pretty good. She didn’t sleep very well last night, which is becoming quite common, so she snoozes in the day.

She was on the trach collar from 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. when they put her back on the vent to let her rest. The trauma ICU team said that in order to move on to the next step in getting her off of the ventilator completely, she will have to spend 48 consecutive hours on the trach collar.

Dad said PT and OT came in came together and got her standing, sitting up, side stepping and stacking cups. Lots of S words today! One more S word? Slay!

Most of the day was just a lot of sleeping. She also had her end-of-the-day anxious spell and we hope that tonight she is able to rest better than the last few nights.

I unfortunately couldn’t be at the hospital because I have to go to my classes to earn my degree. I might be writing this while in a class right now. I’ve got to do my due diligence.

Mom told me that Mad’s nurse Olivia got her and dad recliners to sit in. Mom said they were “upgraded to stadium seating.”

Today wasn’t particularly good nor bad, it was just another day of slow and steady progress. Hopefully these next few days will consist of success on the trach collar and getting Madelyn off of the ventilator finally.

We’ll check back in tomorrow!

Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Tracheostomy? More like trache-AWESOME-my.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you.