Amazing Madelyn Grace: Steps in the right direction.

Happy New Year! Not necessarily how we expected to be spending our new year, but very grateful nonetheless.

Sorry about the one post yesterday. I got home from the hospital and instantly crashed so here’s the report from last night and this morning:

Mad had a good night and rested quite a bit. They started to wean her off of the oxygen again, so she’s facilitating the breaths with the breathing tube. They will test it by having her do four hours on her own and four with help with the tube. The lungs are slowly getting stronger!

They redressed her burns yesterday and the spot on her thigh is fully healed! Her feet and her face are still healing well and we’re two days away from the skin grafts on her hands. Madelyn really hates not being able to use her hands right now, but wouldn’t we all?

She’s been interacting with us a little bit this morning, but we’re still doing our best to not get her all stirred up with the breathing tube. They decided they would put the tracheotomy back on Tuesday during her skin graft surgery.

That’s pretty much it for now! Just taking it one day at a time, but Mad’s progress from 11 days ago to now is truly magnificent. Even with the road ahead, each day brings us a little closer to a fully-healed Madelyn.

Romans 8:25 - But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Eye rolls galore.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: More time to rest.