Amazing Madelyn Grace: I want to hold your hand.

Live from Nashville, it’s Saturday night! Here are the happenings of the day:

Madelyn is in a pretty constant state of anxiousness, especially now that she is starting to come to her senses more. They have started the process of switching over her medication and they’ve started her on an antidepressant to try and help keep her at a consistently calmer state. The medication switch will also allow her to be more interactive with us and everyone who works with her to make her better.

I can only imagine her anxiety, and I hope that this new medication will make her to be more secure in the fact that she’s going to be okay. Today was a lot of keeping mom and dad near, and she even asked for me a few times. I’m definitely her favorite sister. She really liked having her nurse Chase in the room with her today as well. You know Madelyn; she hates to miss out on any of the fun, so the fun is being brought to her.

She still gets very frustrated when she tries to communicate and we can’t understand her, but we’re starting to get a little bit better at it! At least that’s what we keep trying to convince ourselves. She’s beginning to get a grasp onto what is going on more, and today was particularly an emotional day for her. Lots of tears and questions and hand holding.

Occupational therapy came in today and worked with her on her hands and feet, and one of the burn nurses came in and redressed her hands. She’s also doing really well with the spontaneous breathing and is always clearing those lungs.

They have her new surgery date set tentatively for Tuesday to take a look at her hands and her face again, and we’re hopeful that everything will be well enough to finally do the grafts.

In the coming days, I hope that you all will send good energy and prayers to Madelyn specifically for her anxiousness. I can’t even imagine the way that she feels and the scariness of being in the hospital for this long. We’re hopeful that as she heals and starts to understand everything more, her nerves will subside.

We’ll check back in tomorrow! Thanks for all of the love and the prayers; no doubt that they’re working!

John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Winter is coming.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Cha cha real smooth.