Amazing Madelyn Grace: Winter is coming.

Today was a better day! Let’s talk about it:

Overall, Madelyn had a calmer day which we are very happy about. The medicine is definitely helping and it was easier to communicate with her. Reading her lips is a lot easier when she isn’t trying to “talk in paragraphs” like mom and dad call it. Today was the first day that Madelyn has really been able to remember things from day to day; she remembered her nurse from last night and she hasn’t really been able to do that yet. This medication switch is helping with that and not making her as out-of-sorts.

The nurse asked her if she knew what month it was and she answered December, then proceeded to be shocked that it is, in fact, now January. Her response after learning this news was to ask about her students, and we assured her that they are well taken care of and miss her so much. We will soon be able to read her some of the sweet notes that were brought to us from them.

Lots of personality is coming back which we’re happy to see! Big smiles, the standard Madelyn Owens eye roll and she even gave us a little shimmy today. She’s just working on some new choreography for her cheerleaders.

Speaking of choreography, she got her “cha cha slide” in again today and worked with PT on getting up and out of bed a little bit this afternoon. They said that they have her moving to the side to get her hip muscles working. OT also came in and worked with her on her hands and feet. She’s movin’ and groovin’!

The burn doctor came by today and talked about Mad’s skin graft surgery on Tuesday. Her hands will have standard grafting done, but her face will be a different story. Rather than going into the deepest layer of her skin like her hands, they will use a different strategy that doesn’t go as deep on her face. He explained it a lot better than we could, but that’s the general idea of what’s going to happen with her grafts on Tuesday.

They had her on spontaneous breathing all day at 30% oxygen and she’s been doing really well and working her lungs back to where they need to be! According to my mom (and I assume she got it from respiratory) the air that we breath daily is around 21% oxygen so she is getting very little help from the ventilator. Her lungs will continue to get stronger as the days go by, and we hope that soon they can cap her trach and talk to us. That will take some more time, but that’s what we have our hearts set on!

Madelyn got a little anxious right before mom and dad left the hospital, but her nerves were calmed when we were told her night nurse will be a fan-favorite character “Winter” a.k.a her REAL name Hunter! She doesn’t remember Hunter but we assured her that she was in good hands.

Whew! Big day, but a good day! Especially after yesterday’s day of anxiety and tears, having a day with a calmer, happier Madelyn made us feel a lot better.

Psalm 71:23 - My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praises to You; my soul also, which You have redeemed.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Just another manic Monday.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: I want to hold your hand.