Amazing Madelyn Grace: Just another manic Monday.

Good evening everyone. Let’s discuss today’s events:

Overall, today was another day of small steps and a lot of anxiety. She got very anxious last night when mom and dad had to leave, and her nurse seemed to think she was starting to have some sort of allergic reaction to the valium so they started giving her Benadryl which calmed her down and helped her sleep. They put her back on the ventilator’s control once she got worked up. She just gets so nervous and starts to hyperventilate.

The same thing happened this afternoon; she got anxious and they took her off of spontaneous breathing again just to help her calm down. She ended up going back on the spontaneous breathing later this afternoon and had been doing well.

PT and OT came by and Madelyn sat up for a very long time today, stood up a few times and did her little steps. Her strength sure hasn’t dwindled!

Her memory is getting better. She remembered some things we talked to her about yesterday, so the medication switch seems to be helping her comprehend more!

Also, “Winter” is scheduled again for tonight. We have been told that last night’s blog title about “Winter is coming” is a little raunchy. We are not “Game of Thrones” people; we just thought it was funny. Whoops! Sorry to anyone who thought bad things were happening.

Another day, another slay. That’s Gen Z slang for Madelyn is doing well! We just hope that her anxiousness simmers a bit and she’s able to have restful, calmer days ahead. Big prayers for her surgery tomorrow and for everything to go well with that! She’s scheduled around 9:30 a.m. but it could be earlier or later. You never know.

I was scrolling through Instagram today and came across this quote from my good friend Mister Rogers. I’ve thought a lot about Mad’s CIS family and her students, and I know that they miss her spirit and silliness in the halls. And Madelyn has asked a lot about her students and knows they are in good hands. I’ll end this evening with this quote to go along with this evening’s verse:

James 1:2-4 -

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Surgery switch.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Winter is coming.