Amazing Madelyn Grace: Surgery switch.

Good morning! Y’all are getting a two-in-one-day special.

Just making a quick update to let y’all know that Mad’s surgery has been rescheduled for tomorrow morning. It will be anytime between 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. She’s first on the OR list.

Luckily, it’s because some of the burn team members called out today and not because of the state of her burns. She’ll be grafted first thing tomorrow!

While you’re here, she’s had a good morning so far. She’s calm and relaxed and communicating with us well. She goes in and out of snoozing, but when she’s awake she’s chatting and asking questions. She’s asked to go home again, and we told her that she will get to soon as long as she works hard to get her lungs strong enough.

She’s on her spontaneous breathing this morning and is remaining calm and doing really well overall! She just got assessed by her nurse Ashley, who Mad really likes, and things seem to be moving and shaking. Literally; she gave us another small shimmy this morning.

That’s all for now! Happy Tuesday!

2 Timothy 2:19 - God’s truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are His.”


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Pushing buttons.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Just another manic Monday.