Amazing Madelyn Grace: Pushing buttons.

Today was a very good day of progress!

Mad was on spontaneous breathing ALL DAY! She stayed relatively calm aside from a couple of moments of anxiousness, but she’s definitely doing a lot better and getting used to everything.

She’s loved her nurses and feels comfortable communicating with them. She can even press the nurse call button which is huge because of the bandages on her hands. If you’re her nurse, she may be calling you in just to chat; this is your warning.

Skin graft surgery is scheduled first thing tomorrow morning, so prayers for all of the things to go as planned!

PT and OT didn’t come in today because they thought her surgery was happening, but she did good rolling over on her own when they changed her bedding. Whoop whoop!

Today definitely was a good day, we might even say it’s been her best day yet. She communicated with us well and she stayed calm which made us feel calmer.

We got a video of a cheer the HCMS cheerleaders did at one of their ball games dedicated to Mad and she got to watch it. Seeing all of the support as she continues her recovery is always encouraging for us and her to see. She is amazing, that Madelyn Grace! (I should really trademark that.)

Thanks for the love and the prayers and all of the kindness always. We feel every bit of it!

Psalm 40:2 -He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay; And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Hand crafted? More like hand grafted.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Surgery switch.