Amazing Madelyn Grace: Hand crafted? More like hand grafted.

After many days of waiting and some delays, Mad finally had her surgeries for her hands, face and shoulder!

Everything looked good and went smoothly, and they ended up using skin from her right thigh to graft her hands. In the other areas, they took the cells from her skin and “made a concoction that they sprayed onto the burns on her nose, forehead and shoulder,” said Scott Owens (brushing up on my interviewing skills! This process is hard to explain, so if you don’t understand it neither do I.)

We don’t anticipate any other grafts will be needed and now begins the tedious healing process. But it happened and it went according to plan, and we’re very happy that this box is finally checked!

The doctor also went in and looked at her lungs, and they will start the process of weaning her off of the ventilator. She’s been doing spontaneous breathing the last couple of days between 30% and 40% oxygen and the next few days will consist of checking everything out and seeing how she does with breathing on her own. Let’s go Mad!

She was able to rest for the remainder of the day and we have hopes for a peaceful evening with sweet dreams and happy thoughts.

The next few days will consist of Madelyn resting as she recovers from her surgery and just checking in on her lungs. We are hopeful that she will do well and everything will work out, but we aren’t blind to the fact that these next few days could be rough. Skin graft surgery is extremely painful especially with the burns being primarily on her hands and face. She will be anxious and frustrated, yet we hope that she will be able to remain as comfortable as possible while also making progress in her healing.

Whew! Big day! Check back in with y’all tomorrow.

(Also, shameless check-in on myself: I started my final semester at Belmont today! Can’t wait to use this blog as an example of the work I’m capable of for future employers. Thanks Mad!)

Psalm 103:2-3 - Let my whole being bless the Lord and never forget all his good deeds: how God forgives all your sins, heals all your sickness.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Some days are easier, some days are harder.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Pushing buttons.