Amazing Madelyn Grace: Some days are easier, some days are harder.

Today was a bit of a wackier day. Oh, how I wish it was Wednesday so I could accurately name the post “wacky Wednesday.”

Mad had an okay morning, but things got a bit rocky after PT and OT came to work with her. She just got very worn out and anxious and we’ve learned that when the hospital staff mention to her that she’s on spontaneous breathing, that really makes her panic.

Today she experienced something called ICU delirium; she kept asking for her phone and where her pants were and overall was just talking out of her head which gave us some concern. Her nurse checked her oxygen levels and blood gases to make sure everything was running smoothly. She was having some vivid dreams today and would just wake up and start talking some nonsense. I mean, I believe that when you’re in the hospital for three weeks straight unable to properly communicate or understand the situation you’re in, that could lead someone to some delusions.

With all of the things happening, they ended up flipping her respirator off of spontaneous breathing and they turned it back up to 60% oxygen.

She rested when she could and seemed to be resting well when it was time to leave the hospital. We hope for more rest tonight and maybe a clearer mind tomorrow.

The last 21 days have proven to be the most challenging and emotionally draining days that we’ve ever experienced. What makes it harder are days like this when things happen that you weren’t quite expecting. I didn’t know that my 23-year-old sister could experience hospital delirium. I know that we will have better days, and I also understand that tougher days have to come with it, but looking at Madelyn in an ICU bed doesn’t get any easier even as she gets better. I just wish she could be in her own bed. In our home.

Today might have put us a little down, but it will not take us out! Mad will have better days and some day soon this will be over. Until then, we pray for her well-being and for her team at Skyline to use their knowledge to help her in her healing process.

Madelyn Grace will prevail!

Isaiah 40:31 - But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: It’s a good day to have a good day.


Amazing Madelyn Grace: Hand crafted? More like hand grafted.